Greenheart Management is committed to protect and enhance safety of human life, the environment and our assets.


Recognizing the importance of minimizing its environmental impact, the maritime industry is at the forefront of intensifying efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

Greenheart Management works with industry leaders in all fields, including classification societies, flag authorities, technical managers, and consultants. We continuously gather data from our fleet to perform feasibility studies on technological improvements to reduce fuel consumption, GHG emissions, and general waste while enhancing the welfare of the crew.

When vessels are added to the Greenheart fleet, an ESG plan is initiated to determine the improvement and enhancements that can be implemented with KPIs formulated to be monitored during the asset’s lifetime.

Environmental KPIs

Energy Efficiency & Consumption

  • CII
  • Consumption by fuel grade


  • CO2 emissions
  • NOX emissions
  • SOX emissions


  • Duration underway in marine protected areas or areas of protected conservation status
  • Number of spills and releases
  • Aggregate volume of spills and releases


Greenheart Management partners with service providers that have a strong track record and ethical approach to the welfare of crew members. This includes mental and physical well-being, working environment, and nutrition. We also have systems and initiatives to support families of crew members and their local communities.

Through our work with industry partners, we are supporting the drive for continuous improvement on social topics in the maritime industry.

Social KPIs


  • Lost time incident frequency
  • Number of local social projects engaged in supporting crew wellbeing

Accident and Safety Management

  • Number of Marine Casualties, including percentage classified as serious
  • Number of Conditions of Class
  • Port State Control deficiencies

Crew Management Performance

  • Crew retention rates for Officers and Ratings


Greenheart Management is committed to conducting business honestly and ethically. Our governance framework adopts the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the Environmental, Social, and Governance standard practice.

Greenheart Management has robust know-your-counterparty and anti-money laundering policies and strictly adheres to all anti-bribery and corruption legislation in all jurisdictions in which our fleet operates.